
据BBG Watch消息,曾在2011年与洛桑森格一起参选西藏流亡政府总理的斯坦福学者丹增特桑(Tenzin Tethong)已经被任命为自由亚洲电台藏语部主任,接替去年11月1日被免职的阿沛·晋美。 丹增特桑1959年随家人流亡印度,1995年定居美国,曾担任斯坦福大学西藏研究中心主任。他还曾任达赖喇嘛在纽约和华盛顿的代表,是西藏首位被特别议会选举出的内阁部长之一,曾在1994年至1995年轮值担任西藏流亡政府的总理。 The new Tibetan service director is a well-known figure among Tibetans inside Tibet and in the diaspora. He has devoted his entire career to working on issues of importance to Tibetans and is credited with helping to start Sheja , the first Tibetan educational publication in exile. He worked with Congressmen Charlie Rose and other senior staff in the U.S. government to secure the first visit of the Dalai Lama to the United States in 1979. He also has been a commentator on RFA Tibetan service programs and appeared in numerous television programs. Tenzin Tethong is the founder of key Tibet initiatives in the U.S. including the Tibet Fund, Tibet House - New York, and the International Campaign for Tibet. He is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Tibe...