




那可不是杨基们唱的“Happy birthday to you”,而是一首地道的墨西哥国货“las mañanitas”。站在我身旁喝tequila的卡洛斯告诉我,这首歌该有500年历史了吧,好像在哥伦布占领时期不久就存在了。


Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el rey David.
Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti.

Despierta mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció
ya los pajarillos cantan la luna ya se metió.

Qué linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte
venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte.

El día en que tu naciste nacieron todas las flores
y en la pila del bautismo cantaron los ruiseñores

Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del día nos dio.
Levántate de mañana mira que ya amaneció.


These are like the morning songs that our King David used to sing.
Today being the day of your saint, we are going to sing them to you.

Wake up my dearest, wake up, see now that the day has dawned
now the little birds are singing, the moon has finally set.

How lovely it is in this morning, when I come to greet for you
we all come with joy and pleasure and to celebrate with you.

The very day you were born all the flowers here have bloomed
and in the baptismal font all the nightingales have sung.

The dawn has come my darling, and the sunlight's here for us.
Rise and shine up with the morning and you'll see that here's the dawn.


How beautiful is the morning
As we come and ‘waken you
With God’s early morning blessing
With pleasure we sing to you.

On the day that you were born
The flowers came into bloom
And at the baptismal font
All the Saints brought forth their song

The dawn is now appearing
The rays of the sun break through
Arise early this bright morning
As we sing hello to you

How I wish I were St. Peter
How I wish I were St. John
As we bring this salutation
In this very early dawn

From all the stars in the heavens
How I wish I could get you two
One to tell you good morning
And the other to bid you adieu


With a bouquet of carnations
We have come to sing our song
And make your day full of color
So that you may carry on.





在身处的加拿大魁北克,尽管它几经折腾,未能成功独立,但魁北克民族是个成熟和色彩丰富的民族,它早就有自己的生日歌,那是魁北克诗人 Gilles Vigneault脍炙人口的诗歌《Gens du pays》:

Le temps qu'on a pris pour se dire «je t'aime»
C'est le seul qui reste au bout de nos jours
Les vœux que l'on fait, les fleurs que l'on sème
Chacun les récolte en soi-même
Aux beaux jardins du temps qui court

Gens du pays, c'est votre tour
De vous laisser parler d'amour
Gens du pays c'est votre tour
De vous laisser parler d'amour

Le temps de s'aimer, le jour de le dire

Fond comme la neige aux doigts du printemps
Fêtons de nos joies, fêtons de nos rires
Ces yeux où nos regards se mirent
C'est demain que j'avais vingt ans



  1. 、提示されている情報をありがとうございました常に成功挨拶 Obat Herbal Penyakit Stroke





