
正当席琳迪翁在美国某地大唱抒情歌曲时,她故乡的一位36岁名叫Daniel Bedard的流浪汉闯入了她位于蒙特利尔北郊拉瓦尔的豪宅,吃了冰箱中的糕点,还洗了个热水澡。席琳迪翁家的警报系统引来了警察和警犬,Daniel自称是歌星家的朋友,警察致电席琳迪翁,被后者否认。这一事件引致美联社向全球发出新闻,当然蒙特利尔本地的公报和其他报纸一起跟进。

Apologies to Martha Stewart. Your mom, too. Celine Dion might just be the ultimate hostess. Because while Dion was probably somewhere in the States, beating her chest and belting something about hearts going on, the diva was helping one Quebec man feel like part of the family -- all without even knowing she was doing him a solid.

Dion keeps an estate in the Montreal suburb of Laval, and police officers there discovered an intruder at the property Monday. But the suspect, a 36-year-old man identified as Laval resident Daniel Bedard, didn't steal anything from the diva -- unless you count "snack cakes" and hot water.

After responding to a security alarm, officers investigated Dion's estate on he hunt for the intruder, the Associated Press reports. They discovered the man had helped himself to "some pastry that was in the fridge." (The Montreal Gazette reports he'd discarded a few snack cake wrappers on the kitchen counter.) And he'd done a little paper work in the office. (The Gazette reports some cigarette butts and note papers turned up in that room.) Furthermore, police dogs sniffed their way to a bathroom, where they found that someone had been pouring themselves a nice, hot bath.

And then they discovered Bedard on the main floor.

"The suspect was coming down the big staircase and was asking: 'Hey, guys what are you doing here,’" police rep Franco Di Genova told AP. "So the officers replied: 'What are you doing here?' and they proceeded to put him under arrest."

According to AP, police believe Bedard entered the property by jumping a fence then getting into the house through the garage. A garage door opener was found in an unlocked vehicle nearby.

Bedard allegedly told police that he was a family friend of Dion's before he was taken away on charges including breaking and entering, auto theft and causing property damage, the Gazette reports. However, police tell the paper that the Dion family claim they don't know the man. (The singer, her husband and children were not at home during the break-in.)

"It's rare that you see this, there was no theft, nothing stolen, broken or messed up," Laval police spokesperson Nathalie Laurin told the Gazette.

According to reports, the intruder didn't put up a fight as he was taken away by authorities, though the Gazette reports he made suicidal comments upon his arrival at the police station. He was taken to hospital, where it's unclear whether he was given a bath or a Joe Louis. He was, however, psychologically evaluated, and subsequently released Tuesday.




