1月22日,《外交政策》网站博客里,以《当西藏爱上中国--雪域文革珍贵照片》为题,发表了唯色父亲文革期间拍摄的16幅珍贵照片。 翻阅照片,感慨六十多年的朝夕相处,本可以使两个民族和和睦睦,甚至恩恩爱爱,但汉人心中有厉鬼,弄得他们穷折腾,折腾完自己还不够,又把雪域高原的藏人,折腾得鸡飞狗跳,神鬼不宁。 套用一句汉人自己的古语,同船过渡三世修。汉藏能比邻于世间,本是天大的缘份,但汉人没有珍惜这机遇。在过去60年里,一幅汉藏和睦的前景,就这么被折腾掉了。这就如同一些人生偶遇,遇着一方耍尽无赖本性,消耗尽了另一方的善心与耐心,眼睁睁看着缘份尽失,个人与个人关系如此,民族与民族关系如此,国与国也是如此。 汉藏心结至此,不如暂时分道扬镳。 In the wake of the Great Leap Forward, a failed crop-production campaign that led to the death of tens of millions of people between 1958 and 1961, Chairman Mao Zedong retreated, and spent the next five years licking his wounds and plotting revenge against the cadres who had criticized his policies. When he returned to the national stage in 1966, it was to launch the decade-long Cultural Revolution, in which he managed to convince the whole nation to replace right and wrong with pro- and anti-Mao (some things that were anti-Mao: tradition, religion, elders). The campaign convulsed the entire nation, from Beijing to Shangha...