Suzanne Treister 的当代占星图

56岁的伦敦艺术家 Suzanne Treister 有强烈占星色彩的艺术作品,成为各国当代艺术博物馆和各大双年展的热门展品,这些当代占星图也为这位女艺术家增添了不少神秘色彩。

Suzanne Treister (b.1958 London UK) studied at St Martin's School of Art, London (1978-1981) and Chelsea College of Art and Design, London (1981-1982) based in London having lived in Australia, New York and Berlin. Initially recognized in the 1980s as a painter, she became a pioneer in the digital/new media/web based field from the beginning of the 1990s, making work about emerging technologies, developing fictional worlds and international collaborative organisations. Utilising various media, including video, the internet, interactive technologies, photography, drawing and watercolour, Treister has evolved a large body of work which engages with eccentric narratives and unconventional bodies of research to reveal structures that bind power, identity and knowledge. Often spanning several years, her projects comprise fantastic reinterpretations of given taxonomies and histories that examine the existence of covert, unseen forces at work in the world, whether corporate, military or paranormal.

Recent exhibitions include:
In The Name Of Art, Annely Juda Fine Art, London 2013; HEXEN 2.0 at P.P.O.W., New York and Cleveland Institute of Art, Ohio, USA 2013; THE REAL TRUTH A WORLD'S FAIR at Raven Row, London 2012; HEXEN 2.0 at the Science Museum, London 2012; D21 Kunstraum, Leipzig, Germany 2012; Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV), Dortmund, Germany 2012; Secession, Vienna, Austria 2012; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany; The Jewish Museum, New York, USA; Le Plateau Art Center, FRAC Paris, Ile de France; Museum of Contemporary Art Bordeaux (CAPC), France; Shedhalle, Zurich, Switzerland; Temporary Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany; Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland; Center for Contemporary Art, Torun, Poland.

Published books include:
'HEXEN 2.0' Black Dog Publishing, London, 2012
'HEXEN 2.0 Tarot' Black Dog Publishing, London, 2012
'NATO The Military Codification System for the Ordering of Everything in the World', Black Dog Publishing, London, 2008.
'Hexen 2039 - new military-occult technologies for psychological warfare', Black Dog Publishing, London 2006.
'No Other Symptoms - Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky' CD ROM with 124 page colour hardback book. Published by Black Dog Publishing, London 1999.





