
奥巴马19日就17岁黑人少年马丁被杀案发表讲话:“ Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago”。一个真实的总统,其情其言皆真,令人印象深刻。

奥巴马说: "There are very few African-American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars," Mr. Obama said. "That happens to me—at least before I was a senator."


《华尔街日报》的《Obama: Trayvon Martin 'Could Have Been Me' 》一文在报纸网站刊出后5个小时,便有1744个评论,其中不乏犀利之言,建议习近平率众好好感受一下美国是怎样一个言论自由,思想活跃的国度(畅所欲言,毫无恐惧,这也是美国梦之一部分吧)。

----Is Obama beginning a new war on whites, women, and Hispanics?

----Sadly, racial division is probably worse now than it's been in my adult lifetime. What's really sad here though is that there is nothing racial about this tragedy.

----Just remember, Obama is a true leftist, and he WANTS a revolution. Why the Republicans don't realize this is beyond me.

----One of the most irresponsible actions/speech of a modern-day president, besides demonstrating intellectual mediocrity.

----I voted for Obama twice. This whole thing he's doing now really makes me wish i could take those votes back. The "Great Uniter" has quickly turned in to the "Great Divider" to satiate the illogical cries of injustice by an ignorant few. Shame on him.




