洛桑桑盖还曾开玩笑说自己是“中国的奥巴马”,这令藏独人士嘉扬诺布(Jamyang Norbu)十分不满,嘉扬诺布和洛桑桑盖一样,出生于印度大吉岭,曾经是木斯塘游击队战士,目前居住在美国,英文及藏文作家,他反对达赖喇嘛的中间道路,坚决主张西藏独立。嘉扬诺布在其博客《影子西藏》抨击洛桑桑盖的“中国奥巴马”之说误导藏人融入中国的社会政治制度,洛桑桑盖应该向选民交代清楚。
洛桑桑盖是在2008年10月27日,在美国首都华盛顿的一家智库Woodrow Wilson Center发表讲话时,作出这种比喻的。他当时的演讲题目是“拉萨暴动后中国的对藏政策”,他说:“I thought maybe I can relate Tibet to Obama… So 60 years after Tibet was occupied by China, America is on the verge of electing an African-American president. Look at the, what you call, situation in Tibet. Now can we ask this question in China: can a Tibetan become the next president of China? Or a premier of China? One could say it’s impossible, right?”
“Again, bringing Obama and Tibet back together, you know, China wants to [be a great power like America]. But maybe China can try to emulate some good things, some positive things which, about America as well. You know, that is respecting and implementing the principles of equality, freedom, and justice as far as African-American representation in U.S. government.”
“For the sake of time I’ll just say, you know, now I got an excuse, now, Jiang Zemin said that their treatment of Tibetans is better than the American treatments of African-Americans. Then I nominate myself as the next president of China. At least I have a credential. Obama is from law school, Harvard Law School, and I also graduated from Harvard Law School, you know, so we have si[milarities].”