

美國廣播理事會(BBG) 是一個負責掌管美國聯邦政府或美國政府贊助、所有非軍事目的國際廣播服務的理事會。廣播理事會由美國之音、Alhurra電視台、自由歐洲電台及自由亞洲電台等共同組成,總共以65種語言向全世界125個市場提供廣播服務。

在美國廣播理事會位在華盛頓總部進行一個小時的會談期間,噶倫赤巴和藏人行政中央代表團成員共同加入討論;成員包括達賴喇嘛尊者駐美洲代表洛桑念札先生,噶倫赤巴高級顧問格桑奧卡桑(Kelsang Aukatsang)先生,噶倫赤巴私人秘書晉美朗傑(Jigme Namgyal)先生,以及國際聲援西藏運動政府關系部主任托德•斯坦(Todd Stein)。





Tibetan PM assured of all support form American media

,Jul 18,2012

From Lalit K Jha Washington, Jul 18 (PTI) American official media will continue its around-the-clock coverage of events of interest to Tibetans, US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has assured visiting Tibetan Premier-in-Exile Lobsang Sangay. The BBG also gave Sangay an assurance that it would continue to support freedom and democracy for all Tibetans through international media when he met the agency's top leadership yesterday. BBG Governor Michael Meehan and International Broadcasting Bureau Director Richard M Lobo spent an hour with Lobsang Sangay and his delegation, which included Lobsang Nyandak, representative of the Dalai Lama to the US. The BBG offers around-the-clock coverage of events of interest to Tibetans, including short-wave services seven days a week and a constant audio signal by satellite, television broadcasts, plus an Internet presence that can be viewed anywhere in the world. Together, Radio Free Asia and Voice of America have been leaders in covering the ongoing crackdown on Tibetan protests, as well as political, religious and human rights developments affecting the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan autonomous jurisdictions. The bi-partisan board of BBG consists of eight members nominated by the president of the US and confirmed by the Senate. The ninth member ex-officio is the secretary of state.




